Pool Cleaning

pool remodeling nashville

DIY - Pool Cleaning Nashville

Do you want to do it by yourself? Why not? Whether it's going to be a DIY effort or you'll be needing professional services all depend on your knowledge of how to clean your pool and whether you have the available time. Because cleaning a swimming pool can be manageable to some and backbreaking to others, your knowledge and own assessment will be the most important factors to consider in making your decision.

As a professional pool builder, we have listed a step by step approach to a DIY pool cleaning. You may note that while most of the steps are considered manageable, keep in mind that the size and type of your pool might make things more complicated than they seem.

Make sure to remove fallen leaves and other debris by using nets or a pool vacuum cleaner. Doing so more frequently will give your filters a more efficient run. Neglecting them for longer periods will promote a breakdown of organic matter, thereby enhancing the growth of algae and microorganisms.

  1. Maintain the ideal water level. As pH and chemical balance in your pool is greatly affected by water level, changes in the concentration of dissolved chemicals ultimately affect water quality and safety. A pH that is too low or a too-high pH both predispose to unwanted water conditions. 
  2. Test for acidity, alkalinity, and Calcium hardness. Aside from pH levels, Calcium hardness or the calcium level in the water indicates whether the water will react with the calcium content of the plaster, tiles, or concrete. Low calcium levels promote the weakening of the surface finish and the concrete by dissolving its calcium. 
  3. Inspect and clean surface finish and grout installations. You have to clean tiles with suitable materials to prevent the accumulation of algae, stains, or any discoloration. Clean surfaces enhance safety in the pool.
  4. Clean the filters and inspect electrical installations. Keeping the filters clean ensures that they run in perfect condition. Inspect and backwash whenever necessary. Ensure that electrical switches are working correctly and are away from the touch of wet hands.
  5. Carefully inspect for algae growth. Depending on the level, algae may not be easily visible. But a careful inspection will prevent the colony from increasing. The presence of algae indicates poor water quality, chemical imbalance and undermines water safety. Use algaecide as necessary.
  6. Make sure to empty the skimmer and pump basket as part of the pool cleaning routine.
  7. It is essential to record pH levels, calcium hardness, and all observable physical changes. 
  8. Keep an adequate inventory of your pool supplies all the time.
  9. Stick to your schedule, but be flexible enough to adjust whenever needed.
A regimen for cleaning your pool may require steps that are ideally done weekly or monthly. Brush surfaces, and remove fallen leaves or debris more frequently, or as needed. As this step deals with more visible reasons, being part of a scheduled routine may not entirely be necessary. How often you need to clean your pool also depends on your usage and other observable parameters. DIY pool cleaning saves your budget, but doing it right makes a big difference. Keeping your pool clean gives you a better stand at keeping it in pristine condition for many years to come.


Before doing a DIY clean, we recommend that you observe how the professionals do it. Our team will show you how it’s done, then you can decide whether you are up to the challenge or you would leave the pool cleaning to us. As your professional pool company in Nashville, TN, we share your goal. See it from the best, learn it from the best!

pool design in nashville tn


We are committed to providing quality cleaning services to customers within Nashville, Tennessee. Our goal is to provide excellent customer satisfaction with our personalized service. If you are worried about cleaning your pool or simply maintaining the water chemistry, our team of expert professionals will definitely help you out! Give us a call today and we guarantee excellent customer satisfaction!

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